Few people today think back on the 70s without remembering the Hippies' Movement -- the era of sit-in protests, avid hitch-hiking, "free love" and abundant drugs.

But nestled into that time of youth's rebellion against established society is a unique phenomenon called the Jesus People Movement. Hundreds of young people, desperate for answers to life's questions and seeking relief from emotional pain, found Jesus to be more than just a religious icon.

Across the U.S. and into Canada, pockets of young people, excited about a personal relationship with a living God, began to meet. In Toronto, the "Catacombs" became a place where hundreds met together weekly in an Anglican Church.

After traveling to Toronto on a couple of occasions, two couples came to the conclusion that God wanted to reach the young people of Kitchener in a similar way. With this vision in mind, Howard & Margaret Ellis, and Carl & Betty Ann Hiltz began praying for doors to open.

In December 1973, in downtown Kitchener, the first meeting was held in St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church.

As word spread, and the Holy Spirit brought many to salvation, healing and deliverance, the Friday night meetings geared to street youth began to include parents, and quickly outgrew the basement room, fellowship hall and then the main auditorium. By Autumn 1974, meetings moved into the church gymnasium, where they continued to meet for 13 years.

Focused on corporate worship and teaching, "The Well" as it came to be known, saw itself running a course parallel with the local church -- a ministry that was to come alongside and support existing churches in the area. Establishing its vision on Isaiah 61:1-3, meetings saw the demonstrations of God's power with evangelism being the result during that season of harvest.

With this influx of people also came a need for individual counseling and in 1984, a 10 bed motel was purchased on the edge of Kitchener. In short, "The Five Day" seminar was born and Jacob's Well Ministries began a new phase of equipping believers to walk out their faith in victory.

That property was sold to another ministry in August 2010 and our seminars are now held in various locations.